Stuckey, M. et al. (2015): Understanding the use of chemistry related information in the public

Stuckey, M., Belova, N., Marks, R. & Eilks, I. (2015). Understanding the use of chemistry related information in the public. In I. Eilks & A. Hofstein: Relevant chemistry education - From theory to practice (S. 185–204). Rotterdam: Sense.@inbook{belovaeilksmarksstuckey2015, title={Understanding the use of chemistry related information in the public}, author={Marc Stuckey and Nadja Belova and Ralf Marks and Ingo Eilks}, year={2015}, editor={Ingo Eilks and A. Hofstein}, booktitle={Relevant chemistry education - From theory to practice}, location={Rotterdam}, publisher={Sense}, pages={185--204} }