Prof. Dr. Silvija Markic

  • 1997-2004 Studium der Mathematik und Chemie für das Lehramt in der Sekundarstufe II
    (mit Erweiterung Sekundarstufe I) an der Universität Dortmund
  • 2001-2004 Studentische Hilfskraft im Arbeitskreis von I. Eilks an der Universität Dortmund
  • 2004-2007 wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am IDN der Universität Bremen
  • 2008 Promotion zum Dr. rer. nat mit Summa cum laude
  • 2007-2009 Referendarin am LIS Bremen und dem Gymnasium an der Hamburger Straße, Bremen
  • seit 2009 Akademische Rätin am IDN der Universität Bremen
  • seit 2009 nebenamtliche Lehrtätigkeit am Gymnasium an der Hamburger Straße, Bremen
    • 2006 Poster-Preis auf der Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik 2006 in Bern (Schweiz), gemeinsam mit Ingo Eilks und Nicos Valanides
    • Gutachterin u.a. für CERP, IJSE, IJESE
    • Mitgliedschaften ESERA, GDCP, GDCh, MNU

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    Eilks, I., Markic, S. & Ralle, B. (2018). Building bridges across disciplines for transformative education and a sustainable future. Aachen: Shaker.@book{eilksmarkic2018, title={Building bridges across disciplines for transformative education and a sustainable future}, author={Ingo Eilks and Silvija Markic and Bernd Ralle}, year={2018}, location={Aachen}, publisher={Shaker} }


    Zidny, R. & Eilks, I. (2018). Indigenous Knowledge as a Socio-Cultural Context of Science to Promote Transformative Education for Sustainable Development: A Case Study on the Baduy Community (Indonesia). In I. Eilks, S. Markic & B. Ralle: Building bridges across disciplines for transformative education and a sustainable future (S. 249–256). Aachen: Shaker.@inbook{eilkszidnymarkic2018, title={Indigenous Knowledge as a Socio-Cultural Context of Science to Promote Transformative Education for Sustainable Development: A Case Study on the Baduy Community (Indonesia)}, author={Robby Zidny and Ingo Eilks}, year={2018}, editor={Ingo Eilks and Silvija Markic and Bernd Ralle}, booktitle={Building bridges across disciplines for transformative education and a sustainable future}, location={Aachen}, publisher={Shaker}, pages={249--256} }

    Gulacar, O., Zowada, C. & Eilks, I. (2018). Bringing chemistry learning back to life and society. In I. Eilks, S. Markic & B. Ralle: Building bridges across disciplines for transformative education and a sustainable future (S. 49–60). Aachen: Shaker.@inbook{eilkszowadamarkic2018, title={Bringing chemistry learning back to life and society}, author={Ozcan Gulacar and Christian Zowada and Ingo Eilks}, year={2018}, editor={Ingo Eilks and Silvija Markic and Bernd Ralle}, booktitle={Building bridges across disciplines for transformative education and a sustainable future}, location={Aachen}, publisher={Shaker}, pages={49--60} }

    Goes, L. F. d., Chen, X., Nogueira, K. S. C., Fernandez, C. et al. (2018). Evidence of sustainable development education in Brazilian secondary school chemistry textbooks. In I. Eilks, S. Markic & B. Ralle: Building bridges across disciplines for transformative education and a sustainable future (S. 257–262). Aachen: Shaker.@inbook{cheneilksfernandesdegoesmarkic2018, title={Evidence of sustainable development education in Brazilian secondary school chemistry textbooks}, author={Goes, Luciane Fernandes de and Xiaoge Chen and Nogueira, Keysy S. C. and Fernandez, Carmen and Ingo Eilks}, year={2018}, editor={Ingo Eilks and Silvija Markic and Bernd Ralle}, booktitle={Building bridges across disciplines for transformative education and a sustainable future}, location={Aachen}, publisher={Shaker}, pages={257--262} }

    Eilks, I., Frerichs, N. & Kapanadze, M. (2018). Action Research to Innovate Science Teaching (ARTIST) - An EASMUS+ CBHE initiative. In I. Eilks, S. Markic & B. Ralle: Building bridges across disciplines for transformative education and a sustainable future (S. 191–196).@inbook{eilksbelovamarkic2018, title={Action Research to Innovate Science Teaching (ARTIST) - An EASMUS+ CBHE initiative}, author={Ingo Eilks and Frerichs, Nadja and Kapanadze, Marika}, year={2018}, editor={Ingo Eilks and Silvija Markic and Bernd Ralle}, booktitle={Building bridges across disciplines for transformative education and a sustainable future}, pages={191--196} }


    Affeldt, F., Markic, S. & Eilks, I. (2019). Über die Nutzung abgestufter Lernhilfen beim forschenden Lernen. Chemie & Schule (Salzbg.), 34(4), 17–21.@article{affeldteilksmarkic2019, title={Über die Nutzung abgestufter Lernhilfen beim forschenden Lernen}, author={Fiona Affeldt and Silvija Markic and Ingo Eilks}, year={2019}, journal={Chemie & Schule (Salzbg.)}, volume={34}, number={4}, pages={17--21} }

    Affeldt, F., Markic, S. & Eilks, I. (2019). Students' use of graded learning aids for inquiry learning. Chemistry in Action 114(Autumn), 28–33.@article{affeldteilksmarkic2019a, title={Students' use of graded learning aids for inquiry learning}, author={Fiona Affeldt and Silvija Markic and Ingo Eilks}, year={2019}, journal={Chemistry in Action 114(Autumn)}, pages={28--33} }

    Tolsdorf, Y. & Markic, S. (2018). Participatory action research in university chemistry teacher training. CEPS Journal, 8(4), 89–108.@article{markictolsdorf2018a, title={Participatory action research in university chemistry teacher training}, author={Yannik Tolsdorf and Silvija Markic}, year={2018}, journal={CEPS Journal}, volume={8}, number={4}, pages={89--108} }

    Tolsdorf, Y. & Markic, S. (2018). Development and Changes in Student Teachers Knowledge Concerning Diagnostic in Chemistry Teaching ? A longitudinal Case Study. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 14(12).@article{markictolsdorf2018b, title={Development and Changes in Student Teachers Knowledge Concerning Diagnostic in Chemistry Teaching ? A longitudinal Case Study}, author={Yannik Tolsdorf and Silvija Markic}, year={2018}, journal={Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education}, volume={14}, number={12}, doi={10.29333/ejmste/94232} }

    Tolsdorf, Y. & Markic, S. (2018). Entwicklung eines Seminarkonzepts zu Lesestrategien entwickeln nach dem adaptierten Modell der partizipativen Aktionsforschung. Chemie konkret, (26), 108–113.@article{markictolsdorf2018c, title={Entwicklung eines Seminarkonzepts zu Lesestrategien entwickeln nach dem adaptierten Modell der partizipativen Aktionsforschung}, author={Yannik Tolsdorf and Silvija Markic}, year={2018}, journal={Chemie konkret}, number={26}, pages={108--113} }

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