Zeitraum | 15.10.2010 – 14.10.2012 |
Leitung | Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Ingo Eilks FRSC, Prof. Dr. Silvija Markic |
Finanzierung | EU TEMPUS |
Kooperationspartner | Leitung Prof. Marika Kapanadze, Ilia State University Tbilisi, GE; University of Limerick, IE; FU Berlin, DE; University Paissi Hillendarski, Plovdiv, BG; Kutaisi Akaki Tsereteli State University, GE; University of Academy of Sciences of Moldova, MD; Moldova Institute of Educational Sciences , MD; The Academic Arab College of Education Haifa, IL; University of Haifa, IL |
Mitarbeiter | Dr. Marc Stuckey |
Homepage | http://www.salislab.org/ |
Student Active Learning in Science

Ziel von SALiS ist die Entwicklung von Curricula und Trainingsmodulen für die Lehreraus- und -fortbildung. Gefördert werden soll mehr Schüler-aktives Lernen in den Naturwissenschaften. Hierzu werden in den Empfängerländern Trainingslabore etabliert. Gemeinsam werden dann die dortigen Lehrerbildner fortgebildet. Ausgewählte Elemente werden auch in die Ausbildungscurricula der EU-Partneruniversitäten implementiert. Eine Website mit Ausbildungs- und Unterrichtsressoucen wird aufgebaut.
Beschreibung | Download | Link |
2011 Low-cost-experimental guide and experiments | | |
2011 Low-cost-experimental guide and experiments | |
Poppe, N., Markic, S. & Eilks, I. (2011). Low-Cost-Experimentiertechniken für den naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht. Bremen: SALiS Project (erschienen in Englisch, Arabisch, Bulgarisch, Deutsch, Georgisch, Hebräisch und Rumänisch).@book{eilksgarnermarkic2011, title={Low-Cost-Experimentiertechniken für den naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht}, author={Poppe, Nicole and Silvija Markic and Ingo Eilks}, year={2011}, location={Bremen}, publisher={SALiS Project (erschienen in Englisch, Arabisch, Bulgarisch, Deutsch, Georgisch, Hebräisch und Rumänisch)}, url={http://www.salislab.org/} }
Kapanadze, M., Janashia, S. & Eilks, I. (2012). Science teacher education by the cross regional TEMPUS-project SALiS. In S. Markic, D. d. F. Ingo Eilks & B. Ralle: Heterogeneity and Cultural Diversity in Science Education and Science Education Research (S. 215–218). Aachen: Shaker.@inbook{eilksmarkic2012a, title={Science teacher education by the cross regional TEMPUS-project SALiS}, author={Kapanadze, Marika and Janashia, Simon and Ingo Eilks}, year={2012}, editor={Silvija Markic and Ingo Eilks , D. di Fuccia, and Bernd Ralle}, booktitle={Heterogeneity and Cultural Diversity in Science Education and Science Education Research}, location={Aachen}, publisher={Shaker}, pages={215--218} }
Kapanadze, M., Janashia, S. & Eilks, I. (2010). From science education in the soviet time, via national reform initiatives, towards an international network to support inquiry-based science education - The case of Georgia and the project SALiS. In I. Eilks & B. Ralle: Contemporary science education (S. 237–242). Aachen: Shaker.@inbook{eilks2010e, title={From science education in the soviet time, via national reform initiatives, towards an international network to support inquiry-based science education - The case of Georgia and the project SALiS}, author={Kapanadze, Marika and Janashia, Simon and Ingo Eilks}, year={2010}, editor={Ingo Eilks and Bernd Ralle}, booktitle={Contemporary science education}, location={Aachen}, publisher={Shaker}, pages={237--242} }
Kapanadze, M. & Eilks, I. (2014). Supporting reform in science education in middle and eastern Europe - Reflections and perspectives from the project TEMPUS-SALiS. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 10(1), 47–58.@article{eilks2014b, title={Supporting reform in science education in middle and eastern Europe - Reflections and perspectives from the project TEMPUS-SALiS}, author={Kapanadze, Marika and Ingo Eilks}, year={2014}, journal={Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education}, volume={10}, number={1}, pages={47--58} }
Eilks, I. & Kapanadze, M. (2012). Student Active Learning in Science (SALiS) - The theoretical and organisational framework of a TEMPUS IV project. Chimica nella Scuola, 34(3), 168–169.@article{eilks2012b, title={Student Active Learning in Science (SALiS) - The theoretical and organisational framework of a TEMPUS IV project}, author={Ingo Eilks and Kapanadze, Marika}, year={2012}, journal={Chimica nella Scuola}, volume={34}, number={3}, pages={168--169} }
Eilks, I. (2012). More Student Active Learning in Science (SALiS) - From a theoretical justification to implications for science teaching. Chemistry in Action 97, 8–12.@article{eilks2012d, title={More Student Active Learning in Science (SALiS) - From a theoretical justification to implications for science teaching}, author={Ingo Eilks}, year={2012}, journal={Chemistry in Action 97}, pages={8--12} }
Eilks, I., Kapanadze, M. & Childs, P. E. (2012). Student Active Learning in Science (SALiS) - An introduction to the special issue. Chemistry in Action 97, 5–7.@article{eilks2012e, title={Student Active Learning in Science (SALiS) - An introduction to the special issue}, author={Ingo Eilks and Kapanadze, Marika and Childs, Peter E.}, year={2012}, journal={Chemistry in Action 97}, pages={5--7} }
Stuckey, M., Krause, M. & Eilks, I. (2012). SALiS on the web. Chemistry in Action 97, 33–34.@article{eilkskrausestuckey2012, title={SALiS on the web}, author={Marc Stuckey and Moritz Krause and Ingo Eilks}, year={2012}, journal={Chemistry in Action 97}, pages={33--34} }
Markic, S., Poppe, N. & Stuckey, M. (2012). Low-Cost techniques in science classrooms. Chemistry in Action 97, 23–27.@article{markicgarnerstuckey2012, title={Low-Cost techniques in science classrooms}, author={Silvija Markic and Poppe, Nicole and Marc Stuckey}, year={2012}, journal={Chemistry in Action 97}, pages={23--27} }
Artikel in Tagungsbänden
Kapanadze, M., Janashia, S., Makashvili, M., Eilks, I. et al. (2012). Promoting student-active and inquiry-based science learning by the project SALiS. In Proceedings of the 9th ESERA Conference, Lyon 2011@inproceedings{eilksmarkicstuckey2012, title={Promoting student-active and inquiry-based science learning by the project SALiS}, author={Kapanadze, Marika and Janashia, Simon and Makashvili, Malkhaz and Ingo Eilks and Marc Stuckey and Silvija Markic}, year={2012}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 9th ESERA Conference, Lyon 2011}, url={http://www.esera.org/media/ebook/ebook-esera2011____Strand3.pdf} }
Kapanadze, M., Janashia, S., Makashvili, M., Eilks, I. et al. (2012). Schüleraktives und Inquiry-orientiertes Lehren und Lernen fördern im TEMPUS-Projekt SALiS. In D. Höttecke: Konzepte fachdidaktischer Strukturierung für den Unterricht (S. 586–588). Münster: Lit.@inproceedings{eilksmarkicstuckey2012a, title={Schüleraktives und Inquiry-orientiertes Lehren und Lernen fördern im TEMPUS-Projekt SALiS}, author={Kapanadze, Marika and Janashia, Simon and Makashvili, Malkhaz and Ingo Eilks and Marc Stuckey and Silvija Markic}, year={2012}, editor={Dietmar Höttecke}, booktitle={Konzepte fachdidaktischer Strukturierung für den Unterricht}, location={Münster}, publisher={Lit}, pages={586--588}, url={http://gdcp.de/index.php/tagungsbaende/tagungsband-uebersicht} }
Stuckey, M., Krause, M. & Eilks, I. (2012). SALiS on the web. In Collection of papers of the SALiS final conference (S. 39–41). Tbilisi: GE.@inproceedings{eilkskrausestuckey2012a, title={SALiS on the web}, author={Marc Stuckey and Moritz Krause and Ingo Eilks}, year={2012}, booktitle={Collection of papers of the SALiS final conference}, location={Tbilisi}, publisher={GE}, pages={39--41} }
Eilks, I. & Kapanadze, M. (2012). Student Active Learning in Science (SALiS)? The theoretical and organisational framework of a TEMPUS IV project. In Collection of papers of the SALiS final conference (S. 6–9). Tbilisi: GE.@inproceedings{eilks2012f, title={Student Active Learning in Science (SALiS)? The theoretical and organisational framework of a TEMPUS IV project}, author={Ingo Eilks and Kapanadze, Marika}, year={2012}, booktitle={Collection of papers of the SALiS final conference}, location={Tbilisi}, publisher={GE}, pages={6--9} }
Stuckey, M., Poppe, N. & Markic, S. (2012). Low-Cost techniques in science classrooms. In Collection of papers of the SALiS final conference (S. 47–51). Tbilisi: GE.@inproceedings{markicgarnerstuckey2012a, title={Low-Cost techniques in science classrooms}, author={Marc Stuckey and Poppe, Nicole and Silvija Markic}, year={2012}, booktitle={Collection of papers of the SALiS final conference}, location={Tbilisi}, publisher={GE}, pages={47--51} }