Partizipative Aktionsforschung

Partizipative Aktionsforschung in der Chemiedidaktik

Eine Orientierung chemiedidaktiktischer Forschung an den Ideen der Partizipativen Aktionsforschung ist in Deutschland bisher nicht üblich, auch wenn es seit den siebziger Jahren vereinzelt Versuche gegeben hat, auch chemiedidaktische Forschung durch Anwendung von Aktionsforschung zu begründen. Eine ausführliche Diskussion und Grundlegung dieser Ausrichtung von forschung innerhalb der Chemiedidaktik, insbesondere auf der Baisis der Partizipativen Aktionsforschung, ist in deutschland aber bisher nicht geleistet worden. Hier wurde in den letzten Jahren ein grundsätzliches Forschugnsmodell für eine entsprexchende Forschungsstrategie konzipiert. In seiner Anwendung zeigt sich dieses Modell zunehmend geeignet, die immer wieder angemahnte fehlende Verbindung zwischen empirischer Lehr- und Lehrforschung, curricularer Entwicklung und Unterrichtspraxis herzustellen. In seiner Anwendung in verschiedenen Projekten konnte gezeigt werden, dass dieser Ansatz zu praxistauglichen Vorschlägen für eine verbesserung des Chemieunterrichts, einer Praxisverbesserung in den beteiligten Schulen, einer impliziten Lehrerfortbildung und zu empirisch begründeten Erkenntnissen von allgemeinem Interesse führen kann.



Feldman, A., Belova, N., Eilks, I., Kapanadze, M. et al. (2022). Action research - A promising strategy for science teacher education. In J. Luft & M. G. Jones: Handbook of research on science teacher education (S. 352–363). Taylor & Francis.@inbook{belovaeilks2022, title={Action research - A promising strategy for science teacher education}, author={Feldman, Allan and Nadja Belova and Ingo Eilks and Marika Kapanadze and Rachel Mamlok-Naaman and Franz Rauch and Fatih Tasar}, year={2022}, editor={J. Luft and M. Gail Jones}, booktitle={Handbook of research on science teacher education}, publisher={Taylor & Francis}, pages={352--363}, doi={10.4324/9781003098478-31} }

Eilks, I. (2014). Action Research in science education - From a general justification to a specific model in practice. In T. Stern, F. Rauch, A. Schuster & A. Townsend: Action Research, innovation and change: International perspectives across disciplines (S. 156–176). London: Routledge.@inbook{eilks2014, title={Action Research in science education - From a general justification to a specific model in practice}, author={Ingo Eilks}, year={2014}, editor={T. Stern and F. Rauch and A. Schuster and A. Townsend}, booktitle={Action Research, innovation and change: International perspectives across disciplines}, location={London}, publisher={Routledge}, pages={156--176} }

Eilks, I. & Feierabend, T. (2013). Educational design by Participatory Action Research - Theoretical foundation and its application in a cross-disciplinary project on teaching 'climate change'. In T. Plomp & N. Nieveen: Educational design research: Introduction and illustrative cases (S. 321–338). Enschede: SLO Netherlands Institute for Curriculum Development.@inbook{eilksfeierabend2013, title={Educational design by Participatory Action Research - Theoretical foundation and its application in a cross-disciplinary project on teaching 'climate change'}, author={Ingo Eilks and Timo Feierabend}, year={2013}, editor={T. Plomp and N. Nieveen}, booktitle={Educational design research: Introduction and illustrative cases}, location={Enschede}, publisher={SLO Netherlands Institute for Curriculum Development}, pages={321--338}, url={} }

Eilks, I., Mamlok-Naaman, R. & Rauch, F. (2012). Action Research for innovations and Continuous Professional Development (CPD) in science education. In J. H. C. Bolte (F. Rauch): Inquiry-based science education in Europe: Reflections from the PROFILES project (S. 207–212). Berlin: FU Berlin.@inbook{eilks2012c, title={Action Research for innovations and Continuous Professional Development (CPD) in science education}, author={Ingo Eilks and Mamlok-Naaman, Rachel and Rauch, Franz}, year={2012}, editor={C. Bolte, J. Holbrook, F. Rauch}, booktitle={Inquiry-based science education in Europe: Reflections from the PROFILES project}, location={Berlin}, publisher={FU Berlin}, pages={207--212}, url={ Research for Innovations and Continuous Professional Development ind Science Education.pdf} }

Eilks, I., Markic, S. & Witteck, T. (2010). Collaborative innovation of the science classroom by Participatory Action Research - Theory and practice in a project of implementing cooperative learning methods in chemistry education. In M. V. Zuljan & J. Vogrinc: Facilitating effective student learning through teacher reserach and innovation (S. 77–102). Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana.@inbook{eilksmarkicwitteck2010, title={Collaborative innovation of the science classroom by Participatory Action Research - Theory and practice in a project of implementing cooperative learning methods in chemistry education}, author={Ingo Eilks and Silvija Markic and Torsten Witteck}, year={2010}, editor={M. Valencic Zuljan and J. Vogrinc}, booktitle={Facilitating effective student learning through teacher reserach and innovation}, location={Ljubljana}, publisher={University of Ljubljana}, pages={77--102}, url={} }

Eilks, I., Parchmann, I., Gräsel, C. & Ralle, B. (2004). Changing teachers' attitudes and professional skills by involving teachers into projects of curriculum innovation in Germany.. In B. Ralle & I. Eilks: Quality in practice oriented research in science education (S. 29–40). Aachen, Shaker.@inbook{eilks2004m, title={Changing teachers' attitudes and professional skills by involving teachers into projects of curriculum innovation in Germany.}, author={Ingo Eilks and Ilka Parchmann and Gräsel, Cornelia and Bernd Ralle}, year={2004}, editor={Bernd Ralle and Ingo Eilks}, booktitle={Quality in practice oriented research in science education}, publisher={Aachen, Shaker}, pages={29--40} }

Eilks, I. & Ralle, B. (2002). Participatory Action Research in Chemical Education. In B. Ralle & I. Eilks: Research in Chemical Education - What does it mean? (S. 87–98). Aachen: Shaker.@inbook{eilks2002o, title={Participatory Action Research in Chemical Education}, author={Ingo Eilks and Bernd Ralle}, year={2002}, editor={Bernd Ralle and Ingo Eilks}, booktitle={Research in Chemical Education - What does it mean?}, location={Aachen}, publisher={Shaker}, pages={87--98}, url={ 2002 Eilks Ralle PAR.PDF} }


Feldman, A., Belova, N., Eilks, I., Kapanadze, M. et al. (2025). Science Teacher Action Research in Top Tier Science Education Journals: A Review of the Literature. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 36(1), 1–27.@article{Feldman 2025a, title={Science Teacher Action Research in Top Tier Science Education Journals: A Review of the Literature}, author={Feldman, Allan and Belova, Nadja and Eilks, Ingo and Kapanadze, Marika and Mamlok-Naaman, Rachel and Rauch, Franz and Tasar, Mehmet Fatih}, year={2025}, journal={Journal of Science Teacher Education}, volume={36}, number={1}, pages={1--27}, doi={10.1080/1046560X.2024.2366713} }

Laudonia, I., Krause, M. & Eilks, I. (2019). Bindungstypen selbstständig erarbeiten. Naturwissenschaften im Unterricht Chemie, 30(169), 34–37.@article{eilkskrauselaudonia2019, title={Bindungstypen selbstständig erarbeiten}, author={Ivano Laudonia and Moritz Krause and Ingo Eilks}, year={2019}, journal={Naturwissenschaften im Unterricht Chemie}, volume={30}, number={169}, pages={34--37} }

Laudonia, I., Mamlok-Naaman, R., Abels, S. & Eilks, I. (2018). Action research in science education - An analytical review of the literature. Educational Action Research, (26), 480–495.@article{eilkslaudonia2018, title={Action research in science education - An analytical review of the literature}, author={Ivano Laudonia and Rachel Mamlok-Naaman and Simone Abels and Ingo Eilks}, year={2018}, journal={Educational Action Research}, number={26}, pages={480--495}, doi={10.1080/09650792.2017.1358198} }

Eilks, I. (2018). Action Research in Science Education: A twenty-years personal perspective. Action Research and Innovation in Science Education, 3–14.@article{eilks2018i, title={Action Research in Science Education: A twenty-years personal perspective}, author={Ingo Eilks}, year={2018}, journal={Action Research and Innovation in Science Education}, pages={3--14}, doi={10.12973/arise/98909} }

Laudonia, I. & Eilks, I. (2018). Reflections on a three years long teacher-centred, participatory action research experience on teaching chemical bonding in a Swiss vocational school. Education Sciences, (8), 141.@article{eilkslaudonia2018b, title={Reflections on a three years long teacher-centred, participatory action research experience on teaching chemical bonding in a Swiss vocational school}, author={Ivano Laudonia and Ingo Eilks}, year={2018}, journal={Education Sciences}, number={8}, pages={141}, doi={10.3390/educsci8030141} }

Eilks, I. (2017). Aktionsforschung: Forschungsansatz oder Lebenseinstellung?. ide. informationen zur deutschdidaktik, 41(4), 119–120.@article{eilks2017, title={Aktionsforschung: Forschungsansatz oder Lebenseinstellung?}, author={Ingo Eilks}, year={2017}, journal={ide. informationen zur deutschdidaktik}, volume={41}, number={4}, pages={119--120} }

Laudonia, I. & Eilks, I. (2016). Lehrerzentrierte vs. Partizipative Aktionsforschung - Praxisorientierte Forschung und Unterrichtsentwicklung in der beruflichen Bildung. Transfer Forschung Schule, (2), 125–132.@article{eilkslaudonia2016, title={Lehrerzentrierte vs. Partizipative Aktionsforschung - Praxisorientierte Forschung und Unterrichtsentwicklung in der beruflichen Bildung}, author={Ivano Laudonia and Ingo Eilks}, year={2016}, journal={Transfer Forschung Schule}, number={2}, pages={125--132} }

Burmeister, M. & Eilks, I. (2013). Using Participatory Action Research to develop a course module on Education for Sustainable Development in pre-service chemistry teacher education. Centre of Educational Policy Studies Journal, 3(1), 59–78.@article{burmeistereilks2013, title={Using Participatory Action Research to develop a course module on Education for Sustainable Development in pre-service chemistry teacher education}, author={Mareike Burmeister and Ingo Eilks}, year={2013}, journal={Centre of Educational Policy Studies Journal}, volume={3}, number={1}, pages={59--78} }

Mamlok-Naaman, R. & Eilks, I. (2012). Different types of Action Research to promote chemistry teachers' professional development - A joined theoretical reflection on two cases from Israel and Germany. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 10(3), 581–610.@article{eilks2012a, title={Different types of Action Research to promote chemistry teachers' professional development - A joined theoretical reflection on two cases from Israel and Germany}, author={Mamlok-Naaman, Rachel and Ingo Eilks}, year={2012}, journal={International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education}, volume={10}, number={3}, pages={581--610} }

Eilks, I. & Markic, S. (2011). Effects of a long-term Participatory Action Research project on science teachers' professional development. Eurasia Journal of Mathemtics, Science and Technology Education, 7(3), 149–160.@article{eilksmarkic2011b, title={Effects of a long-term Participatory Action Research project on science teachers' professional development}, author={Ingo Eilks and Silvija Markic}, year={2011}, journal={Eurasia Journal of Mathemtics, Science and Technology Education}, volume={7}, number={3}, pages={149--160}, url={} }

Eilks, I. & Markic, S. (2007). Die Veränderung von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern in langzeitlichen Modellen partnerschaftlicher Unterrichtsentwicklung und –forschung durch Partizipative Aktionsforschung in der Chemiedidaktik. Chimica etc. Didactica, 33(99), 30–48.@article{eilksmarkic2007d, title={Die Veränderung von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern in langzeitlichen Modellen partnerschaftlicher Unterrichtsentwicklung und –forschung durch Partizipative Aktionsforschung in der Chemiedidaktik}, author={Ingo Eilks and Silvija Markic}, year={2007}, journal={Chimica etc. Didactica}, volume={33}, number={99}, pages={30--48} }

Markic, S. & Eilks, I. (2006). Cooperative and context-based learning on electrochemical cells in lower secondary science lessons - A project of Participatory Action Research. Science Education International, 17(4), 253–273.@article{eilksmarkic2006a, title={Cooperative and context-based learning on electrochemical cells in lower secondary science lessons - A project of Participatory Action Research}, author={Silvija Markic and Ingo Eilks}, year={2006}, journal={Science Education International}, volume={17}, number={4}, pages={253--273}, url={} }

Eilks, I. & Ralle, B. (2003). Perspektiven für die Chemiedidaktik am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts - Ein Beitrag zur Diskussion um die Chemiedidaktik als wissenschaftliche Disziplin. Chemie konkret, 9(4), 171–175.@article{eilks2003j, title={Perspektiven für die Chemiedidaktik am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts - Ein Beitrag zur Diskussion um die Chemiedidaktik als wissenschaftliche Disziplin}, author={Ingo Eilks and Bernd Ralle}, year={2003}, journal={Chemie konkret}, volume={9}, number={4}, pages={171--175} }

Valanides, N., Nicolaidou, A. & Eilks, I. (2003). Twelfth-grade students' understandings of oxidation and combustion - Using Action Research to improve teachers`practical knowledge and teaching practice. Research in Science and Technological Education, 25(2), 159–175.@article{eilks2003l, title={Twelfth-grade students' understandings of oxidation and combustion - Using Action Research to improve teachers`practical knowledge and teaching practice}, author={Valanides, Nicos and Nicolaidou, Anastahsia and Ingo Eilks}, year={2003}, journal={Research in Science and Technological Education}, volume={25}, number={2}, pages={159--175} }

Eilks, I. (2003). Co-operative curriculum development in a project of Participatory Action Research within chemical education: Teachers' reflection. Science Education International, 14(4), 41–49.@article{eilks2003m, title={Co-operative curriculum development in a project of Participatory Action Research within chemical education: Teachers' reflection}, author={Ingo Eilks}, year={2003}, journal={Science Education International}, volume={14}, number={4}, pages={41--49}, url={} }

Eilks, I. & Ralle, B. (2002). Partizipative fachdidaktische Aktionsforschung - ein Modell für eine praxisnahe curriculare Entwicklungsforschung in der Chemiedidaktik. Chemie konkret, 9(1), 13–18.@article{eilks2002, title={Partizipative fachdidaktische Aktionsforschung - ein Modell für eine praxisnahe curriculare Entwicklungsforschung in der Chemiedidaktik}, author={Ingo Eilks and Bernd Ralle}, year={2002}, journal={Chemie konkret}, volume={9}, number={1}, pages={13--18} }

Artikel in Tagungsbänden

Eilks, I. (2007). From Technical to Emancipatory Action Research - A Six Year Case Study on Science Teachers Involved in a Cooperative Curriculum Development Project. In Paper presented at the 6th ESERA-Conference (CD-ROM) Malmoe.@inproceedings{eilks2007d, title={From Technical to Emancipatory Action Research - A Six Year Case Study on Science Teachers Involved in a Cooperative Curriculum Development Project}, author={Ingo Eilks}, year={2007}, booktitle={Paper presented at the 6th ESERA-Conference (CD-ROM)}, location={Malmoe} }

Eilks, I. & Markic, S. (2005). Kooperatives und kontextorientiertes Lernen zu Batterien und Akkumulatoren in der SI - ein Projekt Partizipativer Aktionsforschung. In A. Pitton: Relevanz fachdidaktischer Forschungsergebnisse für die Lehrerbildung (S. 190–192). Münster, LIT.@inproceedings{eilksmarkic2005e, title={Kooperatives und kontextorientiertes Lernen zu Batterien und Akkumulatoren in der SI - ein Projekt Partizipativer Aktionsforschung}, author={Ingo Eilks and Silvija Markic}, year={2005}, editor={A. Pitton}, booktitle={Relevanz fachdidaktischer Forschungsergebnisse für die Lehrerbildung}, location={Münster, LIT}, pages={190--192}, url={} }

Eilks, I. (2003). Teachers' reflection on co-operative curriculum development in a project of Participatory Action Research within chemical education. In 5th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association Nordwijkerhout.@inproceedings{eilks2003n, title={Teachers' reflection on co-operative curriculum development in a project of Participatory Action Research within chemical education}, author={Ingo Eilks}, year={2003}, booktitle={5th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association}, location={Nordwijkerhout} }

Eilks, I. (2002). Participatory Action Research within chemical education - a research design and experiences with its application. In Proceeding of the 2nd Conf. on Science Education (S. 156–157). Latsia, Zypern.@inproceedings{eilks2002p, title={Participatory Action Research within chemical education - a research design and experiences with its application}, author={Ingo Eilks}, year={2002}, booktitle={Proceeding of the 2nd Conf. on Science Education}, location={Latsia, Zypern}, pages={156--157} }