Zeitraum | 01.08.2004 – 31.12.2019 |
Leitung | Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Ingo Eilks FRSC, Prof. Dr. Silvija Markic |
Finanzierung | Teilfinanzierung Fonds der chemischen Industrie (FCI) |
Kooperationspartner | Prof. Dr. N. Valanides (University of Cyprus), Prof. Dr. Jan van Driel (Universiteit Leiden, NL), Prof. Dr. Mohammed Usak (Gazi University, TR), Prof. Dr. Mehmet Erdogan (Akdeniz University, TR), Prof. Dr. Imfadi Abu-Hola (University of Jordan, JOR), Prof. Dr. Avi Hofstein (Weizmann Institute of Science, IL), Prof. Dr. Muhamad Hugerat (AACE, Haifa), Dr. Iyad Dkeided (Al-Quds University, PAL) |
Mitarbeiter | Dr. Siham Al-Amoush, Dr. Janina Bindernagel, Dr. Rouba Khaddour |
Vorstellungen und fachspezifisch pädagogisches Handlungswissen von Naturwissenschaftslehrern und Lehramtsstudierenden

Im Projekt werden Vorstellungen und das pädagogische Inhaltswissen von naturwissenschaftlichen Lehrerinnen und Lehrern, insbesondere auch aus der Chemie, erforscht. Schwerpunkt dabei sind Vorstellungen über Unterrichtsgestaltung und Lernprozesse auf der einen Seite und konzeptionelle Vorstellungen zur Behandlung des Teilchenkonzepts auf der anderen.
Mamlok-Naaman, R., Eilks, I., Bodner, G. & Hofstein, A. (2018). Professional Development of Chemistry Teachers: Theory and Practice. Cambridge: RSC.@book{eilks2018b, title={Professional Development of Chemistry Teachers: Theory and Practice}, author={Rachel Mamlok-Naaman and Ingo Eilks and George Bodner and Avi Hofstein}, year={2018}, location={Cambridge}, publisher={RSC}, doi={10.1039/9781788013406} }
Eilks, I. & De Jong, O. (Hrsg.). (2009). Special issue "Chemistry teacher education: Recent developments".@book{eilks2009d, title={Special issue "Chemistry teacher education: Recent developments"}, year={2009}, editor={Ingo Eilks and De Jong, Onno}, booktitle={Chemistry Education: Research and Practice 9(2)}, pages={75--184}, url={http://www.rsc.org/Publishing/Journals/RP/article.asp?Journal=RP29575&VolumeYear=200910&Volume=10&JournalCode=RP&MasterJournalCode=RP&SubYear=2009&type=Issue&Issue=2&x=11&y=8} }
Markic, S. (2008). Studies on Freshman Science Student Teachers' Beliefs about Science Teaching and Learning. Aachen: Shaker.@book{markic2008a, title={Studies on Freshman Science Student Teachers' Beliefs about Science Teaching and Learning}, author={Silvija Markic}, year={2008}, location={Aachen}, publisher={Shaker}, pages={2008} }
Markic, S. & Eilks, I. (2015). Drawings of classroom situations as a tool for exploring chemistry teachers' pedagogical attitudes. In M. O. M. Kahveci: The Affective Dimensions in Chemistry Education (S. 259–278). Heidelberg: Springer.@inbook{eilksmarkic2015, title={Drawings of classroom situations as a tool for exploring chemistry teachers' pedagogical attitudes}, author={Silvija Markic and Ingo Eilks}, year={2015}, editor={M. Kahveci, M. Orgill}, booktitle={The Affective Dimensions in Chemistry Education}, location={Heidelberg}, publisher={Springer}, pages={259--278} }
Bindernagel, J. & Eilks, I. (2014). Lehr(er)wege zu Teilchen und Atomen. In Unterricht Chemie Sammelband Basiskonezpte & Kompetenzen (S. 30–35).@inbook{bindernageleilks2014, title={Lehr(er)wege zu Teilchen und Atomen}, author={Janina Bindernagel and Ingo Eilks}, year={2014}, booktitle={Unterricht Chemie Sammelband Basiskonezpte & Kompetenzen}, pages={30--35} }
Ceulemanns, G. & Eilks, I. (2014). The understanding of sustainability and Education for Sustainable Development among experienced Flemish chemistry teachers. In I. Eilks, S. Markic & B. Ralle: Science education research and education for sustainable development (S. 231–236). Aachen: Shaker.@inbook{eilksmarkic2014b, title={The understanding of sustainability and Education for Sustainable Development among experienced Flemish chemistry teachers}, author={Ceulemanns, Griet and Ingo Eilks}, year={2014}, editor={Ingo Eilks and Silvija Markic and Bernd Ralle}, booktitle={Science education research and education for sustainable development}, location={Aachen}, publisher={Shaker}, pages={231--236} }
Al-Amoush, S., Markic, S. & Eilks, I. (2012). Chemistry teachers` beliefs between Europe and Arab world - An international study. In S. Markic, I. Eilks, D. d. Fuccia & B. Ralle: Heterogeneity and cultural diversity in science education and science education research (S. 186–188).@inbook{alamousheilksmarkic2012b, title={Chemistry teachers` beliefs between Europe and Arab world - An international study}, author={Siham Al-Amoush and Silvija Markic and Ingo Eilks}, year={2012}, editor={Silvija Markic and Ingo Eilks and David di Fuccia and Bernd Ralle}, booktitle={Heterogeneity and cultural diversity in science education and science education research}, pages={186--188} }
Markic, S., Valanides, N. & Eilks, I. (2006). Freshman Science Student Teachers' Beliefs on Science Teaching and Learning - A Mixed Methods Study. In I. Eilks & B. Ralle: Towards research-based science teacher education (S. 29–40). Aachen, Shaker-Verlag.@inbook{eilksmarkic2006c, title={Freshman Science Student Teachers' Beliefs on Science Teaching and Learning - A Mixed Methods Study}, author={Silvija Markic and Valanides, Nicos and Ingo Eilks}, year={2006}, editor={Ingo Eilks and Bernd Ralle}, booktitle={Towards research-based science teacher education}, publisher={Aachen, Shaker-Verlag}, pages={29--40} }
Goes, L. F., Fernandez, C. & Eilks, I. (2020). The development of pedagogical content knowledge about teaching redox reactions in German chemistry teacher education. Education Sciences, (10), 170.@article{eilksfernandesdegoes2020, title={The development of pedagogical content knowledge about teaching redox reactions in German chemistry teacher education}, author={Goes, Luciane F and Fernandez, Carmen and Eilks, Ingo}, year={2020}, journal={Education Sciences}, number={10}, pages={170}, doi={10.3390/educsci9010042}, url={https://www.mdpi.com/2227-7102/10/7/170} }
Markic, S., Mamlok-Naaman, R., Hugerat, M., Hofstein, A. et al. (2016). One country, two cultures - A multi-perspective view on Israeli chemistry teachers` beliefs about teaching and learning. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 22(2), 131–147.@article{eilksmarkic2016, title={One country, two cultures - A multi-perspective view on Israeli chemistry teachers` beliefs about teaching and learning}, author={Silvija Markic and Rachel Mamlok-Naaman and Muhamad Hugerat and Avi Hofstein and Iyad Dkeidek and Naji Kortam and Ingo Eilks}, year={2016}, journal={Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice}, volume={22}, number={2}, pages={131--147}, doi={10.1080/13540602.2015.1055423} }
Al-Amoush, S., Markic, S., Usak, M., Erdogan, M. et al. (2014). Beliefs about chemistry teaching and learning - a comparison of teachers and student teachers beliefs from Jordan, Turkey and Germany. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 12(4), 767–792.@article{alamousheilksmarkic2014, title={Beliefs about chemistry teaching and learning - a comparison of teachers and student teachers beliefs from Jordan, Turkey and Germany}, author={Siham Al-Amoush and Silvija Markic and Usak, Muhammet and Erdogan, Mehmet and Ingo Eilks}, year={2014}, journal={International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education}, volume={12}, number={4}, pages={767--792} }
Markic, S. & Eilks, I. (2013). Potential Changes in prospective chemistry teachers' beliefs about teaching and learning - A cross-level study. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, (11), 979–998.@article{eilksmarkic2013, title={Potential Changes in prospective chemistry teachers' beliefs about teaching and learning - A cross-level study}, author={Silvija Markic and Ingo Eilks}, year={2013}, journal={International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education}, number={11}, pages={979--998}, url={http://www.springer.com/alert/urltracking.do?id=L11723adMc24e94Sb08808b} }
Al-Amoush, S., Usak, M., Erdogan, M., Markic, S. et al. (2013). Pre- and in-Service teachers' beliefs about teaching and learning chemistry in Turkey. European Journal of Teacher Education, (36), 464–479.@article{alamousheilksmarkic2013, title={Pre- and in-Service teachers' beliefs about teaching and learning chemistry in Turkey}, author={Siham Al-Amoush and Usak, Muhammet and Erdogan, Mehmet and Silvija Markic and Ingo Eilks}, year={2013}, journal={European Journal of Teacher Education}, number={36}, pages={464--479} }
Markic, S. & Eilks, I. (2012). A comparison of student teachers` beliefs from four different science teaching domains using a mixed-methods design. International Journal of Science Education, 34(4), 589–608.@article{eilksmarkic2012, title={A comparison of student teachers` beliefs from four different science teaching domains using a mixed-methods design}, author={Silvija Markic and Ingo Eilks}, year={2012}, journal={International Journal of Science Education}, volume={34}, number={4}, pages={589--608} }
Al-Amoush, S., Markic, S. & Eilks, I. (2012). Jordanian chemistry teachers` views on teaching practices and educational reform. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 13 (3), 314 - 324.@article{alamousheilksmarkic2012a, title={Jordanian chemistry teachers` views on teaching practices and educational reform}, author={Siham Al-Amoush and Silvija Markic and Ingo Eilks}, year={2012}, journal={Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 13 (3), 314 - 324} }
Markic, S. & Eilks, I. (2011). Die Veränderung fachbezogener Vorstellungen angehender Chemielehrkräfte über Unterricht während der Ausbildung - eine Cross-Level Studie. Chemie Konkret, 18(1), 14–18.@article{eilksmarkic2011, title={Die Veränderung fachbezogener Vorstellungen angehender Chemielehrkräfte über Unterricht während der Ausbildung - eine Cross-Level Studie}, author={Silvija Markic and Ingo Eilks}, year={2011}, journal={Chemie Konkret}, volume={18}, number={1}, pages={14--18} }
Usak, M. (Özden, Mustafa,) & Eilks, I. (2011). A case study on beginning teachers' subject matter (SMK) and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of teaching chemical reactions in Turkey. European Journal of Teacher Education, 34(4), 407–429.@article{eilks2011b, title={A case study on beginning teachers' subject matter (SMK) and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of teaching chemical reactions in Turkey}, author={Usak, Muhammet, Özden, Mustafa, and Ingo Eilks}, year={2011}, journal={European Journal of Teacher Education}, volume={34}, number={4}, pages={407--429} }
Al-Amoush, S., Markic, S., Abu-Hola, I. & Eilks, I. (2011). Jordanian prospective and experienced chemistry teachers' beliefs about teaching and learning and their potential role for educational reform. Science Education International, 22(3), 185–201.@article{alamousheilksmarkic2011a, title={Jordanian prospective and experienced chemistry teachers' beliefs about teaching and learning and their potential role for educational reform}, author={Siham Al-Amoush and Silvija Markic and Abu-Hola, Imfadi and Ingo Eilks}, year={2011}, journal={Science Education International}, volume={22}, number={3}, pages={185--201}, url={http://www.icaseonline.net/seiweb/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=91&Itemid=111} }
Markic, S. & Eilks, I. (2010). Freshman science student teachers' beliefs about student- and teacher-centeredness: Parallels and differences between chemistry and the other science teaching domains. Journal of Chemical Education, 87 (3),, 335–339.@article{eilksmarkic2010, title={Freshman science student teachers' beliefs about student- and teacher-centeredness: Parallels and differences between chemistry and the other science teaching domains}, author={Silvija Markic and Ingo Eilks}, year={2010}, journal={Journal of Chemical Education, 87 (3),}, pages={335--339} }
Markic, S., Eilks, I., van Driel, J. H. & Ralle, B. (2009). Vorstellungen deutscher Chemielehrkräften über die Bedeutung und Ausrichtung des Chemielernens. Chemie konkret, 16(2), 90–95.@article{eilksmarkic2009b, title={Vorstellungen deutscher Chemielehrkräften über die Bedeutung und Ausrichtung des Chemielernens}, author={Silvija Markic and Ingo Eilks and van Driel, Jan H. and Bernd Ralle}, year={2009}, journal={Chemie konkret}, volume={16}, number={2}, pages={90--95} }
Bindernagel, J. A. & Eilks, I. (2009). Evaluating roadmaps to portray and develop chemistry teachers' PCK about curricular structures concerning sub-microscopic models. Chemistry Education: Research and Practice, 9(2), 77–85.@article{bindernageleilks2009b, title={Evaluating roadmaps to portray and develop chemistry teachers' PCK about curricular structures concerning sub-microscopic models}, author={Janina A Bindernagel and Ingo Eilks}, year={2009}, journal={Chemistry Education: Research and Practice}, volume={9}, number={2}, pages={77--85}, doi={10.1039/908245j} }
Markic, S. & Eilks, I. (2009). Vorstellungen über Lehrer- und Schülerzentriertheit von Studienanfängern in naturwissenschaftlichen Fächern. Journal für LehrerInnenbildung, 9(2), 54–64.@article{eilksmarkic2009d, title={Vorstellungen über Lehrer- und Schülerzentriertheit von Studienanfängern in naturwissenschaftlichen Fächern}, author={Silvija Markic and Ingo Eilks}, year={2009}, journal={Journal für LehrerInnenbildung}, volume={9}, number={2}, pages={54--64} }
Bindernagel, J. & Eilks, I. (2009). Lehr(er)wege zu Teilchen und Atomen: Vielfalt der Modelle vs. konsistente Konzeptentwicklung?. Naturwissenschaften im Unterricht Chemie, 20(6), 9–14.@article{bindernageleilks2009c, title={Lehr(er)wege zu Teilchen und Atomen: Vielfalt der Modelle vs. konsistente Konzeptentwicklung?}, author={Janina Bindernagel and Ingo Eilks}, year={2009}, journal={Naturwissenschaften im Unterricht Chemie}, volume={20}, number={6}, pages={9--14} }
Bindernagel, J. & Eilks, I. (2008). Modelle und Modelldenken im Chemieunterricht und ein Einblick in das Verständnis von erfahrenen Chemielehrkräften. Chemie konkret, 15(4), 181–186.@article{bindernageleilks2008, title={Modelle und Modelldenken im Chemieunterricht und ein Einblick in das Verständnis von erfahrenen Chemielehrkräften}, author={Janina Bindernagel and Ingo Eilks}, year={2008}, journal={Chemie konkret}, volume={15}, number={4}, pages={181--186} }
Markic, S. & Eilks, I. (2008). Unterrichtsbezogene Vorstellungen von Lehramtsstudierenden der Chemie am Beginn ihres Studiums und ihre Einordnung. Chemie konkret, 15(2), 69–74.@article{eilksmarkic2008, title={Unterrichtsbezogene Vorstellungen von Lehramtsstudierenden der Chemie am Beginn ihres Studiums und ihre Einordnung}, author={Silvija Markic and Ingo Eilks}, year={2008}, journal={Chemie konkret}, volume={15}, number={2}, pages={69--74} }
Markic, S., Valanides, N. & Eilks, I. (2008). Developing a tool to evaluate differences in beliefs on science teaching and learning of freshman science student teachers' from different science teaching domains: A case study. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 5(2), 109–120.@article{eilksmarkic2008b, title={Developing a tool to evaluate differences in beliefs on science teaching and learning of freshman science student teachers' from different science teaching domains: A case study}, author={Silvija Markic and Valanides, Nicos and Ingo Eilks}, year={2008}, journal={Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education}, volume={5}, number={2}, pages={109--120}, url={http://www.ejmste.com/v4n2/main.html} }
Markic, S. & Eilks, I. (2008). A case study on German first year chemistry student teachers' beliefs about chemistry teaching and their comparison with student teachers from other science teaching domains. Chemistry Education: Research and Practice, 9(1), 25–34.@article{eilksmarkic2008c, title={A case study on German first year chemistry student teachers' beliefs about chemistry teaching and their comparison with student teachers from other science teaching domains}, author={Silvija Markic and Ingo Eilks}, year={2008}, journal={Chemistry Education: Research and Practice}, volume={9}, number={1}, pages={25--34}, doi={10.1039/801288c} }
Markic, S. & Eilks, I. (2007). Vorstellungen von Lehramtsstudierenden der Physik über Physikunterricht zu Beginn ihres Studiums und ihre Einordnung. Physik und Didaktik in Schule und Hochschule (PhyDid), 6(2), 31–42.@article{eilksmarkic2007e, title={Vorstellungen von Lehramtsstudierenden der Physik über Physikunterricht zu Beginn ihres Studiums und ihre Einordnung}, author={Silvija Markic and Ingo Eilks}, year={2007}, journal={Physik und Didaktik in Schule und Hochschule (PhyDid)}, volume={6}, number={2}, pages={31--42}, url={http://www.phydid.de/index.php} }
Artikel in Tagungsbänden
Khaddour, R., Al-Amoush, S. & Eilks, I. (2015). Parallels and differences in Arab chemistry textbooks from different countries and teachers' view on chemistry education in Syria. In S. Bernholt: Heterogenität und Diversität - Vielfalt der Voraussetzungen im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht (S. 690–692). Kiel: IPN.@inproceedings{khaddouralamousheilks2015, title={Parallels and differences in Arab chemistry textbooks from different countries and teachers' view on chemistry education in Syria}, author={Rouba Khaddour and Siham Al-Amoush and Ingo Eilks}, year={2015}, editor={Sascha Bernholt}, booktitle={Heterogenität und Diversität - Vielfalt der Voraussetzungen im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht}, location={Kiel}, publisher={IPN}, pages={690--692} }
Eilks, I., Al-Amoush, S. & Markic, S. (2012). Beliefs about teaching and learning of Jordanian chemistry student teachers and experienced teachers. In Proceedings of the 9th ESERA Conference, Lyon 2011@inproceedings{alamousheilksmarkic2012, title={Beliefs about teaching and learning of Jordanian chemistry student teachers and experienced teachers}, author={Ingo Eilks and Siham Al-Amoush and Silvija Markic}, year={2012}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 9th ESERA Conference, Lyon 2011}, url={http://www.esera.org/media/ebook/ebook-esera2011____Strand12.pdf} }
Al-Amoush, S., Markic, S. & EIlks, I. (2011). Vorstellungen von Lehramtsstudierenden der Chemie im Vergleich der Länder Jordanien, Türkei und Deutschland. In D. Höttecke: Naturwissenschaftliche Bildung als Beitrag zur Gestaltung partizipativer Demokratie (S. 81–83). Münster: Lit.@inproceedings{alamousheilksmarkic2011, title={Vorstellungen von Lehramtsstudierenden der Chemie im Vergleich der Länder Jordanien, Türkei und Deutschland}, author={Siham Al-Amoush and Silvija Markic and EIlks, Ingo}, year={2011}, editor={Dietmar Höttecke}, booktitle={Naturwissenschaftliche Bildung als Beitrag zur Gestaltung partizipativer Demokratie}, location={Münster}, publisher={Lit}, pages={81--83}, url={http://gdcp.de/index.php/tagungsbaende/tagungsband-uebersicht} }
Markic, S. & Eilks, I. (2011). Zur Entwicklung der Vorstellungen zukünftiger Chemielehrkräfte über das Lehren und Lernen - eine Cross-Level Studie. In D. Höttecke: Naturwissenschaftliche Bildung als Beitrag zur Gestaltung partizipativer Demokratie (S. 531–533). Münster: Lit.@inproceedings{eilksmarkic2011a, title={Zur Entwicklung der Vorstellungen zukünftiger Chemielehrkräfte über das Lehren und Lernen - eine Cross-Level Studie}, author={Silvija Markic and Ingo Eilks}, year={2011}, editor={Dietmar Höttecke}, booktitle={Naturwissenschaftliche Bildung als Beitrag zur Gestaltung partizipativer Demokratie}, location={Münster}, publisher={Lit}, pages={531--533}, url={http://gdcp.de/index.php/tagungsbaende/tagungsband-uebersicht} }
Markic, S., Eilks, I. & Ralle, B. (2010). The curriculum emphases of German chemistry teachers and their distinction concerning different types and levels of secondary schools. In M. Tasar & G. Çakmakci: Contemporary science education research: Pre-service and in-service teacher education (A collection of papers presented at the ESERA 2009 conference) (S. 177–185). Ankara, Turkey: Pegem Akademi.@inproceedings{eilksmarkic2010a, title={The curriculum emphases of German chemistry teachers and their distinction concerning different types and levels of secondary schools}, author={Silvija Markic and Ingo Eilks and Bernd Ralle}, year={2010}, editor={M.F. Tasar and G. Çakmakci}, booktitle={Contemporary science education research: Pre-service and in-service teacher education (A collection of papers presented at the ESERA 2009 conference)}, location={Ankara, Turkey}, publisher={Pegem Akademi}, pages={177--185}, url={http://www.esera.org/media/conferences/Book2.pdf} }
Markic, S. & Eilks, I. (2010). A mixed methods approach to characterise the beliefs on science teaching and learning of freshman science student teachers from different science teaching domains. In M. Tasar & G. Çakmakci: Contemporary science education research: teaching (A collection of papers presented at the ESERA 2009 conference) (S. 21–28). Ankara, Turkey: Pegem Akademi.@inproceedings{eilksmarkic2010b, title={A mixed methods approach to characterise the beliefs on science teaching and learning of freshman science student teachers from different science teaching domains}, author={Silvija Markic and Ingo Eilks}, year={2010}, editor={M.F. Tasar and G. Çakmakci}, booktitle={Contemporary science education research: teaching (A collection of papers presented at the ESERA 2009 conference)}, location={Ankara, Turkey}, publisher={Pegem Akademi}, pages={21--28}, url={http://www.esera.org/media/conferences/Book1.pdf} }
Markic, S. & Eilks, I. (2010). Chemistry student teachers' beliefs about teaching and learning - A cross-level study. In Proceedings of the 14th IOSTE Symposium, Bled@inproceedings{eilksmarkic2010c, title={Chemistry student teachers' beliefs about teaching and learning - A cross-level study}, author={Silvija Markic and Ingo Eilks}, year={2010}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 14th IOSTE Symposium, Bled}, url={http://files.ecetera.si/IOSTE/348.pdf} }
Eilks, I. & A., J. B. (2009). Modelle und Modelldenken im Chemieunterricht. In MNU: Experiment und Modell - 15. Fachleitertagung Chemie (S. 12–21).@inproceedings{bindernageleilks2009, title={Modelle und Modelldenken im Chemieunterricht}, author={Ingo Eilks and Janina Bindernagel A.}, year={2009}, editor={MNU}, booktitle={Experiment und Modell - 15. Fachleitertagung Chemie}, pages={12--21}, url={http://mnu.de/index.php?option=com_rubberdoc&view=doc&id=146&format=raw} }
Bindernagel, J. A. & Eilks, I. (2009). Roadmaps als Instrument zur Porträtierung und Entwicklung des PCK erfahrener Chemielehrkräfte im Umfeld des Teilchenkonzepts. In D. Höttecke: Chemie- und Physikdidaktik für die Lehrerbildung (S. 161–163). Münster: Lit.@inproceedings{bindernageleilks2009a, title={Roadmaps als Instrument zur Porträtierung und Entwicklung des PCK erfahrener Chemielehrkräfte im Umfeld des Teilchenkonzepts}, author={Janina A Bindernagel and Ingo Eilks}, year={2009}, editor={Dietmar Höttecke}, booktitle={Chemie- und Physikdidaktik für die Lehrerbildung}, location={Münster}, publisher={Lit}, pages={161--163}, url={http://gdcp.de/index.php/tagungsbaende/tagungsband-uebersicht} }
Markic, S., Eilks, I., Van Driel, J. H. & Ralle, B. (2009). Vorstellungen deutscher Chemielehrkräfte über das Chemiecurriculum. In D. Höttecke: Chemie- und Physikdidaktik für die Lehrerbildung (S. 158–160). MÜnster: Lit.@inproceedings{eilksmarkic2009c, title={Vorstellungen deutscher Chemielehrkräfte über das Chemiecurriculum}, author={Silvija Markic and Ingo Eilks and Van Driel, Jan H. and Bernd Ralle}, year={2009}, editor={Dietmar Höttecke}, booktitle={Chemie- und Physikdidaktik für die Lehrerbildung}, location={MÜnster}, publisher={Lit}, pages={158--160}, url={http://gdcp.de/index.php/tagungsbaende/tagungsband-uebersicht} }
Markic, S. & Eilks, I. (2008). Wie Lehramtsstudierende sich Unterricht vorstellen. In D. Höttecke: Kompetenzen, Kompetenzmodelle, Kompetenzentwicklung (S. 143–145). Münster: Lit.@inproceedings{eilksmarkic2008a, title={Wie Lehramtsstudierende sich Unterricht vorstellen}, author={Silvija Markic and Ingo Eilks}, year={2008}, editor={Dietmar Höttecke}, booktitle={Kompetenzen, Kompetenzmodelle, Kompetenzentwicklung}, location={Münster}, publisher={Lit}, pages={143--145}, url={http://gdcp.de/index.php/tagungsbaende/tagungsband-uebersicht} }
Sprotte, J. A. & Eilks, I. (2008). Was Lehrer über die Vermittlung von Teilchenkonzept und Atombau denken. In D. Höttecke: Kompetenzen, Kompetenzmodelle, Kompetenzentwicklung (S. 146–148). Münster: Lit.@inproceedings{bindernageleilks2008a, title={Was Lehrer über die Vermittlung von Teilchenkonzept und Atombau denken}, author={Sprotte, Janina A. and Ingo Eilks}, year={2008}, editor={Dietmar Höttecke}, booktitle={Kompetenzen, Kompetenzmodelle, Kompetenzentwicklung}, location={Münster}, publisher={Lit}, pages={146--148}, url={http://gdcp.de/index.php/tagungsbaende/tagungsband-uebersicht} }
Markic, S., Valanidis, N. & Eilks, I. (2007). Vorstellungen von Lehramtsstudierenden der Naturwissenschaften über Unterricht â?? Eine Fallstudie. In D. Höttecke: Naturwissenschaftlicher Unterricht im internationalen Vergleich (S. 575–577). Münster: LIT.@inproceedings{eilksmarkic2007b, title={Vorstellungen von Lehramtsstudierenden der Naturwissenschaften über Unterricht â?? Eine Fallstudie}, author={Silvija Markic and Valanidis, Nicos and Ingo Eilks}, year={2007}, editor={Dietmar Höttecke}, booktitle={Naturwissenschaftlicher Unterricht im internationalen Vergleich}, location={Münster}, publisher={LIT}, pages={575--577}, url={http://gdcp.de/index.php/tagungsbaende/tagungsband-uebersicht} }
Sprotte, J. & Eilks, I. (2007). Introducing the particulate nature of matter - Results from a case study on experienced German science teachers' PCK of models and modelling. In Paper presented at the 6th ESERA-Conference (CD-ROM) Malmoe.@inproceedings{bindernageleilks2007, title={Introducing the particulate nature of matter - Results from a case study on experienced German science teachers' PCK of models and modelling}, author={Sprotte, Janina and Ingo Eilks}, year={2007}, booktitle={Paper presented at the 6th ESERA-Conference (CD-ROM)}, location={Malmoe} }
Louca, P., Rigas, P., Eilks, I. & Valanides, N. (2006). Prospective science teachers' conceptions of science teaching: A cross-cultural study. In Joint North American European South American Symposium "Science and Technology Literacy in the 21st Century" Nicosia, University of Cyprus.@inproceedings{eilks2006a, title={Prospective science teachers' conceptions of science teaching: A cross-cultural study}, author={Louca, Pavlos and Rigas, Panagiotis and Ingo Eilks and Valanides, Nicos}, year={2006}, booktitle={Joint North American European South American Symposium "Science and Technology Literacy in the 21st Century"}, location={Nicosia, University of Cyprus} }
Markic, S., Valanides, N. & Eilks, I. (2006). Unterrichtsbezogene Vorstellungen von Lehramtsstudierenden in den Naturwissenschaften an der Universität Bremen. In A. Pitton: Lehren und Lernen mit den neuen Medien, Bd. L 26 (S. 138–140). Münster, LIT.@inproceedings{eilksmarkic2006b, title={Unterrichtsbezogene Vorstellungen von Lehramtsstudierenden in den Naturwissenschaften an der Universität Bremen}, author={Silvija Markic and Valanides, Nicos and Ingo Eilks}, year={2006}, editor={A. Pitton}, booktitle={Lehren und Lernen mit den neuen Medien, Bd. L 26}, location={Münster, LIT}, pages={138--140}, url={http://gdcp.de/index.php/tagungsbaende/tagungsband-uebersicht} }
Markic, S., Valanides, N. & Eilks, I. (2005). First-year science teacher students' images of science teaching in Germany.. In 5th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association Barcelona.@inproceedings{eilksmarkic2005f, title={First-year science teacher students' images of science teaching in Germany.}, author={Silvija Markic and Valanides, Nicos and Ingo Eilks}, year={2005}, booktitle={5th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association}, location={Barcelona} }