Zeitraum | 01.10.2006 – 30.09.2009 |
Leitung | Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Ingo Eilks FRSC |
Finanzierung | EU |
Kooperationspartner | Dr. Bill Byers (University of Ulster, UK) |
Mitarbeiter | Prof. Dr. Silvija Markic |
Homepage | http://www.idn.uni-bremen.de/chemiedidaktik/IMUCE/index.htm |
Innovative Methods
Innovative Methoden der Chemieausbildung an der Universität

Im Projekt wird ein Handbuch innovativer Methoden für die Chemieausbildung an der Hochschule entwickelt.
Eilks, I. & Byers, B. (Hrsg.). (2009). Innovative Methods of Teaching and Learning Chemistry in Higher Education. London: RSC Publishing.@book{eilks2009, title={Innovative Methods of Teaching and Learning Chemistry in Higher Education}, year={2009}, editor={Ingo Eilks and Byers, Bill}, location={London}, publisher={RSC Publishing}, url={http://www.rsc.org/shop/books/2009/9781847559586.asp} }
Byers, B. & Eilks, I. (2009). Innovative methods of teaching and learning chemistry in higher education - A pedagogical justification. In I. Eilks & B. Byers: Innovative Methods of Teaching and Learning Chemistry in Higher Education (S. 5–22). London: RSC Publishing.@inbook{eilks2009a, title={Innovative methods of teaching and learning chemistry in higher education - A pedagogical justification}, author={Bill Byers and Ingo Eilks}, year={2009}, editor={Ingo Eilks and Bill Byers}, booktitle={Innovative Methods of Teaching and Learning Chemistry in Higher Education}, location={London}, publisher={RSC Publishing}, pages={5--22} }
Eilks, I. (2018). 1000 Jahre Chemiegeschichte puzzeln. Naturwissenschaften im Unterricht Chemie, 29(163), 44–48.@article{eilks2018c, title={1000 Jahre Chemiegeschichte puzzeln}, author={Ingo Eilks}, year={2018}, journal={Naturwissenschaften im Unterricht Chemie}, volume={29}, number={163}, pages={44--48} }
Eilks, I., Bäumer, M. & Byers, B. (2010). Methodische Innovationen für die Chemielehre - Ein vernachlässigtes Feld an unseren Hochschulen. Chemie konkret 17, 124–130.@article{eilks2010c, title={Methodische Innovationen für die Chemielehre - Ein vernachlässigtes Feld an unseren Hochschulen}, author={Ingo Eilks and Bäumer, Marcus and Byers, Bill}, year={2010}, journal={Chemie konkret 17}, pages={124--130} }
Eilks, I. & Byers, B. (2010). The need for innovative methods of teaching and learning chemistry in higher education - Reflections from a project of the ECTN. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 11(4), 233–240.@article{eilks2010d, title={The need for innovative methods of teaching and learning chemistry in higher education - Reflections from a project of the ECTN}, author={Ingo Eilks and Byers, Bill}, year={2010}, journal={Chemistry Education Research and Practice}, volume={11}, number={4}, pages={233--240}, url={http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2010/rp/c0rp90004d} }
Artikel in Tagungsbänden
Byers, B. & Eilks, I. (2009). Innovative methods of teaching and learning chemistry in higher education: An ECTN working group: process and product. In Paper presented at the 3rd EuroVariety: Chemistry Education and Variety in Chemistry Education Conference, Manchester, September 2-4@inproceedings{eilks2009e, title={Innovative methods of teaching and learning chemistry in higher education: An ECTN working group: process and product}, author={Byers, Bill and Ingo Eilks}, year={2009}, booktitle={Paper presented at the 3rd EuroVariety: Chemistry Education and Variety in Chemistry Education Conference, Manchester, September 2-4}, number={2009} }