Piñero,Jose, et al. (2022): Preface for the Special Issue ?Trends in Educational Gamification: Challenges and Learning Opportunities?

Piñero, J., Belova, N., Gutiérrez, E. Q., Carmona, E. et al. (2022). Preface for the Special Issue ?Trends in Educational Gamification: Challenges and Learning Opportunities?. Education Sciences, 12(3), 179.@article{belova2022, title={Preface for the Special Issue ?Trends in Educational Gamification: Challenges and Learning Opportunities?}, author={Jose Piñero and Nadja Belova and Eduardo Quevedo Gutiérrez and Enrique Carmona and Alberto Zapatera Llinares and Elena Arboleya-García and Jakub Swacha and Paula López-Serentill and Enrique Carmona}, year={2022}, journal={Education Sciences}, volume={12}, number={3}, pages={179} }