Eilks, I. et al. (2018): Exploring the mysterious substances, X and Y: Challenging students‘ thinking on acid-base chemistry and chemical equilibrium

Eilks, I., Gulacar, O. & Sandoval, J. (2018). Exploring the mysterious substances, X and Y: Challenging students' thinking on acid-base chemistry and chemical equilibrium. Journal of Chemical Education, (95), 601–604.@article{eilks2018g, title={Exploring the mysterious substances, X and Y: Challenging students' thinking on acid-base chemistry and chemical equilibrium}, author={Ingo Eilks and Ozcan Gulacar and Jose Sandoval}, year={2018}, journal={Journal of Chemical Education}, number={95}, pages={601--604}, doi={10.1021/acs.jchemed.7b00404} }