Eilks, I. et al. (2013): How to organize the chemistry classroom in a student active mode

Eilks, I., Prins, G. T. & Lazarowitz, R. (2013). How to organize the chemistry classroom in a student active mode. In I. Eilks & A. Hofstein: Teaching Chemistry - A Studybook (S. 183–212). Rotterdam: Sense.@inbook{eilks2013b, title={How to organize the chemistry classroom in a student active mode}, author={Ingo Eilks and Gjalt T Prins and Reuven Lazarowitz}, year={2013}, editor={Ingo Eilks and Avi Hofstein}, booktitle={Teaching Chemistry - A Studybook}, location={Rotterdam}, publisher={Sense}, pages={183--212}, url={https://www.sensepublishers.com/catalogs/bookseries/other-books/teaching-chemistry-a-studybook/} }