Chen, X. et al. (2019): An analysis of the orientation and emphasis of intended grade-10 chemistry curricula as represented in textbooks from different Chinese communities

Chen, X., Chiu, M.-H. & Eilks, I. (2019). An analysis of the orientation and emphasis of intended grade-10 chemistry curricula as represented in textbooks from different Chinese communities. Eurasia Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 15(2), em1663.@article{cheneilks2019, title={An analysis of the orientation and emphasis of intended grade-10 chemistry curricula as represented in textbooks from different Chinese communities}, author={Xiaoge Chen and Mei-Hung Chiu and Ingo Eilks}, year={2019}, journal={Eurasia Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education}, volume={15}, number={2}, pages={em1663}, doi={10.29333/ejmste/100642} }